Sunday, 22 February 2009

My Canon EOS 300D as a Digital Pinhole Camera

New meets old when I turned my good ole' Canon EOS 300D into an old fashioned pinhole camera. Tried several different exposure times just to see how it would come out. Will try changing ISO settings for night photography soon. I'm having a bit of fun on this one. :D

I did it by boring a hole onto the body cap and placing a small sheet of aluminun foil onto the hole and securing it with some transparent tape on the inside. Then I lock the cap onto the Canon EOS 300D body and with a safety pin or needle, punch a hole onto the aluminum foil and voila! :D The 300D body still works, it's just that the AF controls are shot and I don't really intend to get it fixed anymore since it might cost like a new camera altogether. :)