Quotes from the The American Taliban
Ann Coulter | |
Bailey Smith | |
Beverly LaHaye (Concerned Women for America) | |
Bob Dornan (Rep. R-CA) | |
David Barton (Wallbuilders) | |
David Trosch | |
Fob James (Governor of Alabama) | |
Fred Phelps (Westboro Baptist Church) | |
Gary Bauer (American Values) | |
Gary North (Institute for Christian Economics) | |
Gary Potter (Catholics for Christian Political Action) | |
George Bush Sr. (President of the United States) | |
George W. Bush (President of the United States) | |
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Henry Morris (Institute for Creation Research) | |
J. B. Stoner (White Supremacist) | |
James Dobson (Focus on the Family) | |
James Kennedy (Center for Reclaiming America) | |
James Watt (Secretary of the Interior) | |
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Jay Grimstead (Coalition on Revival) | |
Jerry Falwell | |
Jesse Helms (Sen. R-NC) | |
Jimmy Swaggart (Jimmy Swaggart Ministries) | |
John Ashcroft (Attorney General) | |
John Whitehead (Rutherford Institute) | |
Joseph McCarthy (Sen. R-WI) | |
Joseph Morecraft (Chalcedon Presbyterian Church) | |
Joseph Scheidler (Pro-Life Action League) | |
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Kay O'Connor (Kansas Senate Republican) | |
Keith A. Fournier (Catholic Way) | |
Laura Schlessinger | |
Lester Roloff (Texas Homes for Wayward Youth) | |
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Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin | |
Pat Buchanan (Presidential Candidate) | |
Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition) | |
Patrick Mahoney (Christian Defense Coalition) | |
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Paul Cameron | |
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Randall Terry (Operation Rescue) | |
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Jerry Vines (Southern Baptist Convention) | |
Rick Santorum* (Sen. R-PA) | |
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Robert Simonds (Citizens for Excellence in Education) | |
Robert T. Lee (Society for the Practical Establishment of the Ten Commandments) | |
Ronald Reagan (President of the United States) | |
Roy Moore (Former Alabama Judge) | |
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Rush Limbaugh | |
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Star Parker (Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education) | |
Tony Evans (Promise Keepers) | |
William Rehnquist (Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court) | |
Michael Savage (Savage Nation) | |
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