Thursday, 28 April 2005

The Little Prince

Genre: Classics
This is probably one of the stories we've grown to love as kids. I could hardly remember how the story goes now. All I remember is that its about kid (who drew pictures of the outsides and insides of a boa constrictor with an elephant inside) who grew up to be a pilot who crashed his plane in the middle of the Sahara Desert where he meets "The Little Prince." I have to read the book again to remember. If you don't have the book, somebody who is a great fan of "The Little Prince" put up the whole book in his website, along with the illustrations, if you want to review the book. Check it out here.

I got to borrow the DVD movie from a co-worker. Just got curious about it I guess. I wasn't really that excited to see it anyway. I didn't really like the movie version that much. Although the kid (Steven Warner) who played The Little Prince did it really well. The song-and-dance approach didn't go too well with me either. I don't really know if it's because the film was made in 1974 and they're all into song-and-dance that time. Especially that scene with the snake (played by Bob Fosse) prancing around like he's Jacko with the white socks and gloves. Even if he dances really well (I think he's a choreographer, I saw it in one of his Filmographies), it felt like his scene dragged on for too long.

I guess "The Little Prince" is meant to be read, cause it wasn't as effective to hear some of the lines sung in sing-song by the actors instead of you reading "It's only with the heart that one can see clearly. What's essential is invisible to the eye."

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